Take Care of Yourself

11 May

As women, we must take initiative to keep our bodies and minds healthy. While I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes don’t follow my own advice, the future healthcare professional in me knows it’s an important issue to push.

We’re right smack in the middle of National Women’s Health Week, whose purpose is to pool various publics and communities into the cause of promoting women’s health. The brainchild of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this year’s theme is called “It’s Your Time” and its mission is to empower women to make their health – physical, mental, emotional – their top priority.

I know that many health tips sound like a broken record, but they’re not called “tried and true” for nothing:

  • Become and stay active: Going to the gym four times a week would be awesome, but try to walk more, even if it’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking up and down a corridor at work every hour or so.
  • Take a break from meat: OK so this may sound biased because I’m a vegetarian, but hear me out. Try looking up recipes for vegan soups or something simple and make a huge batch on Sunday so you have enough to last you for the week. I’m always on the go, so it’s nice to come home and just pop some fresh soup in the microwave that you’re not going to regret later.
  • Keep up to date with your checkups: This is probably the most important one. Some preventable or detectable diseases that were once reserved for “old people” are now surprising young women. Get checked by your doctor at least twice a year, even if you haven’t been ill in a while. It might also be a good idea to see a specialist or two, but a general physician should be fine.

Your own health should always be your top priority. However, we can’t forget about those women who are in other countries who unfortunately don’t have the same access we take for granted, even if they desperately need it. There are several organizations dedicated to serving these women who do not have access the basic health care they deserve.

Global Alliance for Women’s Health

International Organization for Women and Development

The Veerni Project

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